Faça parte da L’Oréal Partner Shop
Estamos comprometidos em promover um serviço de excelência para os nossos clientes.

Esse é nosso compromisso com você
Nosso time está disponível de Seg a Qui de 9hs as 18hs e a Sex de 9hs as 15hs.
Meio Ambiente
Suas entregas saem de um centro de distribuição carbono neutro e são preparadas com zero plástico.
🙂 Icons / charter / Multiple Order Option Created with Sketch.
Faça seu pedido quando quiser!
O site L’Oréal Partner Shop está disponível para todos dispositivos, 24hs por dia/7dias por semana.
🙂 Icons / charter / Delivery Created with Sketch.
Entrega Padrão
Valor mínimo do pedido R$1800,00
🙂 Icons / charter / Free Delivery Created with Sketch.
Pedido Multimarca
Simplificamos nosso processo, agora você pode comprar mais de uma marca em um único pedido! 3
🙂 Icons / charter / Track Created with Sketch.
Acompanhe seus pedidos
Visualize o status do seu pedido através da plataforma e saiba a previsão de chegada.
🙂 Icons / charter / Mail Created with Sketch.
Sua Nota Fiscal online
Visualize sua nota fiscal eletrônica pelo histórico de pedidos na plataforma.
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Avise-me quando chegar!
Não encontrou o produto que queria? Cadastre seu e-mail e avisaremos quando ele voltar pro estoque.
🙂 Icons / charter / Multiple Order Option Created with Sketch.

Customer Care phone # : 1-877-625-4735

Your business consultant is available for you, you can find their contact information at the following link : My brand
🙂 Icons / charter / Delivery Created with Sketch.

For the urban centers (Montréal, Toronto and Vancouver), we plan a delivery within 24h and 48 hours for further regions.

  • • Holidays
  • • Delays must be anticipated due to weather conditions and/or situations that are out of our control (labor strikes, heavy traffic congestion, etc.)
For direct salon deliveries only Certain conditions may apply
🙂 Icons / charter / Free Delivery Created with Sketch.

Customer Care phone # : 1-877-625-4735

Your business consultant is available for you, you can find their contact information at the following link : My brand
🙂 Icons / charter / Track Created with Sketch.

Customer Care phone # : 1-877-625-4735

Your business consultant is available for you, you can find their contact information at the following link : My brand
🙂 Icons / charter / Mail Created with Sketch.

Customer Care phone # : 1-877-625-4735

Your business consultant is available for you, you can find their contact information at the following link : My brand
🙂 Icons / charter / Payment Created with Sketch.

Customer Care phone # : 1-877-625-4735

Your business consultant is available for you, you can find their contact information at the following link : My brand